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332 Landslide

332 Landslide

January 19, 2008

Matching Dollars through Dec 31st to Save the Turtles

The turtle race that you enjoyed watching this past April is in serious jeopardy.
Not because we don't have enough caring people like you to watch but because in just a few years there may not be a single Pacific Leatherback Turtle left to race.
The future for Pacific Leatherback Turtles has reached a critical point. To save these wonderful animals, we need your help now.
After 10 million years of survival making it past dinosaurs, meteors, droughts, floods, tsunamis it's humans that threaten their lives. Their nesting areas are ruthlessly being swallowed up by developments … their breeding grounds polluted and their fragile lives threatened by reckless fishing techniques and the careless dumping of plastic bags that their innocent little eyes see as a life-sustaining jellyfish.
In fact, scientists predict Pacific Leatherback Turtles could be extinct in just 10 years. I don't need to tell you that losing a single species affects our whole planet.
But you can help save the lives of Pacific Leatherback Turtles and all endangered species simply by making a donation today. Your generous year end, tax deductible donation of $10, $20 or even $50 will help Conservation International protect breeding and nesting areas so the Pacific Leatherback Turtles might flourish again. Conservation International, with our partners The Leatherback Trust and Tagging of Pacific Predators, is working right now to protect these charismatic animals.
Donate before December 31st and your donation is worth twice as much! Now is the perfect time to donate because our board members Harrison Ford and Jeff Gale and Chairman’s Council Member Jane Greenspun Gale are matching all donations dollar for dollar up to the $5 million challenge limit. That means when you make a year end, tax deductible donation of $10, the Pacific Leatherback Turtles and other endangered species get $20 … give $25 and a happy Pacific Leatherback and his friends get $50.
The important thing is to act now. Once an endangered species like the Pacific Leatherbacks are gone there's nothing we can do to bring them back. That's why protection right now is urgent. Donate today and you'll be helping us ensure that these gentle giants and their friends are around for another 10,000,000 years.
I can't thank you enough for your generosity.

Vinnie Wishrad Director, Community and Membership Conservation International
You may contact us anytime by emailing or writing to: 2011 Crystal Drive, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22202 Call us toll free within the US at 1-800-406-2306 or (703) 341-2400.

Friday December 28, 2007 - 12:23pm (PST)

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The Center for Public Integrity

The 380,000-plus-word database presented here allows, for the first time, the Iraq-related public pronouncements of top Bush administration officials to be tracked on a day-by-day basis against their private assessments and the actual “ground truth” as it is now known. Throughout the database, passages containing false statements by the top Bush administration officials are highlighted in yellow. The 935 false statements in the database may also be accessed by selecting the “False Statements” option from the “Subject” pull-down menu and may be displayed within selected date ranges using the selection tool below. Searches may also be limited by person or subject, or both, by using the appropriate selections from the pull-down menus.