Brian Tyler Cohen - So You Say You Want Truth...

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332 Landslide

332 Landslide

April 17, 2011

The Billionaire's Tea Party

"In Summer 2009, something stirred in America. After Barack Obama and a Democratic congress swept to power promising a new era of hope and change, out of nowhere the emergence of a citizens protest movement called the Tea Party threatened to derail their agenda. Was this uprising the epitome of grassroots democracy? Or was it, as some said, an example of “astroturfing” - the creation of fake grassroots groups, designed to put corporate messages in the mouths of seemingly independent citizens?"

Note that despite the Tea Party Mission Statement citing fiscal responsibility as being at the top of their list of core values, the above chart from shows the 2010 Tea Party USA PAC spending well exceeds funds raised.

The Texas Tea Party had quite a larger income, but not a dime is noted as going to a single actual candidate.

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The Center for Public Integrity

The 380,000-plus-word database presented here allows, for the first time, the Iraq-related public pronouncements of top Bush administration officials to be tracked on a day-by-day basis against their private assessments and the actual “ground truth” as it is now known. Throughout the database, passages containing false statements by the top Bush administration officials are highlighted in yellow. The 935 false statements in the database may also be accessed by selecting the “False Statements” option from the “Subject” pull-down menu and may be displayed within selected date ranges using the selection tool below. Searches may also be limited by person or subject, or both, by using the appropriate selections from the pull-down menus.